Testing Interview Questions provides you a wide range of questions that can be asked during a Interview. This application answers mostly asked interview questions and has been categories for manual testing and selenium testing and other interview questions.
Application covers all Common questions and also questions specific to any particular area in Testing and QA.,HR interview questions, phone etiquette etc.
1. 150+ questions that prepare you for any type of interview.
2. Interview Questions has been categories for ease of use.
3. This Application puts the interviewee in the driver's seat and helps them steer their way to impress the interviewer with their knowledge.
Application Cover questions from Following Categories.
1. Database Testing
2. JUnit
3. Localization Testing
4. Manual Testing
5. Network Testing
6. QA Testing
7. QuickTest Professional (QTP)
8. Software Testing
9. Websites Stress/Load Testing
10. WinRunner
1. What is software testing?
2. What is Software Development Life Cycle?
3. What is Software Testing Life Cycle?
4. What is selenium testing?
5. What is manual testing?
6.What are advantages of selenium?
7. What are Do's and Donts in Interview.